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Zakah & Waqf - A paradigm shift towards synergisation

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Zakāh & Waqf: A Paradigm Shift TowardsSynergisation delves into the issue of investing aportion of Zakāh funds into long term investmentsfor the benefit of zakāh eligible beneficiaries. Both Zakāh and Waqf are important pillars of theIslamic Economy and current trends point towards closer collaboration between these two vital institutions that serve the Ummah. This bookcomprises of research articles and fatawa from a range of scholars and jurists, discussions, and hypothetical proposals for practical implementation. An earlier publication by theauthor Zakāh: The Pillar of Empowerment is alsoincluded. May this spur debate and furtherresearch. May it enrich the literature and clear the way for a paradigm shift towards synergisation of Zakāh & Waqf. And Allah knows best.


ZEINOUL ABEDIEN CAJEE[BBusSc (UKZN);HonsBCompt (Unisa); CA(SA); BEd,MEd (Wits). Cert in Corporate Governance (Wits); Cert inManagement and Development of AwqafProperties (IsDB). Practised as auditor and consultant. Senior lectureship at University of Johannesburg (Soweto). Wide exposure to localand international Islamic scholars / ulama and actively engaged in several community projectsover the years. Since 2000/2001 passionately involved in the initiation, establishment, and implementation of the National Awqaf Foundation of South Africa (AWQAF SA). Currently serves as the Founding CEO of the organisation and as a Deputy Secretary-Generalof the World Zakah & Waqf Forum.